
A Send-off Meeting for the Kashiwa City Youth Delegation to Camden
Free Legal Advice and Administrative Procedure Support for Foreign Residents


Donations for the Los Angeles wildfire
Donations for the Noto Peninsula Heavy Rain Disaster
Taiwan earthquake donation
Donation for the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake
Thank you for donating to Ukraine
The Immigration Services Agency has released a life orientation video for foreigners before and after coming to Japan. To view, please visit the URL below.
Opening of Tokyo Immigration and Residence Office, Matsudo Branch
Announcement of Video Posting
Japanese Language Classes for April to December 2024
Information for COVID-19 for Foreign Residents (Available in multiple languages)
Kashiwa Information Delivery Service
Notice from Kashiwa City To Foreign Residents

Donations for the Los Angeles wildfire

In January 2025, a large wildfire occurred around Los Angeles, threatening the lives of many people, animals and plants, and causing widespread damage. This has had a serious impact on families who lost their homes, residents who were forced to evacuate, and our precious natural environment.

Our center is conducting a fundraising campaign to support the victims and recovery efforts.

No matter how small the amount, your cooperation will be a great help. We ask for your warm support for the people affected by the disaster.

Donations for the Noto Peninsula Heavy Rain Disaster

We have started collecting donations to support those affected by the heavy rains that occurred in Noto in September 2024. We appreciate your cooperation.

Taiwan earthquake donation

Appreciation for donations to the Taiwan earthquake.
We donated 45,000 yen (as of July 15th) to the certified NPO Peace Winds Japan ("ARROWS" Flying Search and Rescue Team).

Donation for the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake

We collected 168,339 yen in donations for the Noto Peninsula earthquake and were able to send the money to Japanese Red Cross Society on April 30th.
Thank you very much for your warm support.

Thank you for donating to Ukraine

Thanks to your warm support, we have raised 850,000 yen as of March 31. This donation is used for medical expenses, clothing, books for learning Japanese, and other expenses for Ukrainian people living in Kashiwa City. We appreciate your continued support.

The Immigration Services Agency has released a life orientation video for foreigners before and after coming to Japan. To view, please visit the URL below.


Opening of Tokyo Immigration and Residence Office, Matsudo Branch

Opening hours: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (except Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays)
Services: Residence-related applications, applications for certificates of eligibility
Address: 8F Kite Mite Matsudo, 1307-1 Matsudo, Matsudo-shi, Chiba 271-0092
Phone: 047-701-5472

For Foreign Residents, please check Koho Kashiwa (Official Kashiwa City Bulletin).

You can find an information about COVID-19 vaccine.

Kashiwa Information Delivery Service

Sign up to receive email announcements from the city, such as information about earthquakes, fires, crime, and infectious disease outbreaks in the language of your choice. Scan this QR code and register!
Also, please read the city magazine, Koho Kashiwa. It contains information about COVID-19 vaccination.

Consultation for Foreign Residents

Monday: Spanish
Tuesday: Korean (only the 2nd and 4th Tuesday)
Wednesday: Chinese
Thursday: English
Friday: Chinese
※ 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. everyday
Consultation Counter for Foreign Residents (Main city hall 3F)
TEL: 04 - 7168 - 1033
No reservation required.

Information from other organizations

Foreign Language Salon

We will continue to hold a salon mainly for beginners to enjoy conversation once a month at Palette Kashiwa next year.
Indonesian Language
January 18 (Sat), noon - 13:00 p.m. MTR-E
February 8 (Sat) and March 8 (Sat), 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. MTR-D

French Language
January 21 (Tue), February 18 (Tue) and March 18 (Tue), 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. MTR-D
Eligibility: People who live, work or go to school in Kashiwa Fee Free
Application Please write “Application for Foreign Language Salon” in the subject line, include your name and telephone number in the body of the message, and email it to .

Members Wanted! Kashiwa International Relations Association (KIRA)

Why don't you become a member and join us in international exchange activities? Let's interact with foreigners by planning and organizing various events. You don't have to speak English. You can also make friends. For more information, please visit our website. (Inquiries: Office)

Consultation for Foreign Residents:Consultation in English, Chinese, Spanish and Korean is Available.

English: Thursday, Chinese: Wednesday & Friday, Spanish: Monday, Korean: Tuesday of the 2nd and 4th week.
Time: 1 p.m.-5 p.m.
Place: Foreign Residents Consultation Counter (3F, City Hall Main Building)
Tel: 04-7168-1033 (No reservation required)


Please include the event name, your name and phone number when applying by email The events may be cancelled depending on the Covid-19 situation. Contact the office for more information. Please wear a mask when participating.

Universities in Kashiwa with International Exchange Departments

The University of Tokyo, Kashiwa International Office (Kashiwa Branch)

   Room 124, Environment Building, The University of Tokyo,
   5-1-5 Kashiwanoha, Kashiwa 277-8563, Japan
   tel: 04-7136-4556 fax: 04-7136-4559

Reitaku University

   Center for International Exchange, https://www.reitaku-u.ac.jp/gp/
   International Exchange on camp https://www.reitaku-u.ac.jp/global/
   2-1-1, Hikarigaoka, Kashiwa, 277-8686, Japan

Kaichi International University

   Intercultural Exchange, https://www.kaichi.ac.jp/english-2/
   Study Abroad Program, https://www.kaichi.ac.jp/department/exchange/
   1225-6 Kashiwa, Kashiwa-shi, Chiba 277-0005, Japan

Link Collection

Sister city relationships

Camden Town (Council)
Wikipedia, Camden Town (Parliament)
CIFA Face Book

Chiba Prefecture and Kashiwa City

Kashiwa City
Kashiwa Information Center
Kashiwa City Medical Association
Chiba Prefecture
Chiba International Convention Bureau


Ministry of Foreign Affair
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
Japan Association for the Promotion of International Cooperation
Japan Foundation
Association for Internationalization of Local Governments
Ministry of Internal Affair
Multicultural Center Tokyo
The UN Refugee Agency


Kashiwa City Hall
Emergency medical information service
Disaster Prevention and Safety Division

Consultation Desk for Foreign Residents


Kashiwa Cross-cultural Center

1-7-1-301 Kashiwa, Kashiwa City, Chiba Prefecture
DayOne Tower 3F Palette Kashiwa
Closed:Sundays, national holidays, year-end and New Year holidays